Mourning After

Posted on February 13, 2019 by Denis Webster-Greene under Uncategorized
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Grief is often perceived as a path. A journey. Most often visualized as a method for getting from ‘point A to point B’on our journey of grief. Almost immediately following a loss, we long for our lives to return to normal. The reality, of course, is that losing someone that we’ve loved results in a complete change in the remainder of our own lives. As a survivor, our lives will never be the same. Everything we say and do, moving forward, will be influenced by the impact of that loss.

Our program on MCTV shares insights with our guests each month for dealing with this process. Though each and every one of us will experience a devastating loss, at some point in our lives, nothing can prepare us for the emotional impact of that loss. We understand that death is a natural part of our life cycle, but that knowledge is not a guarantee that our grief and bereavement will be painless and effortless. Our guests share experiences that are a guide from which each of us can benefit. Our journey of grief is personal and unique and yet the impact of loss, bereavement, and grief is universal.

Tune in to our program Mourning After on local cable-access MCTV (Comcast 22 / Verizon 33) at 8:30 AM on Wednesdays and at 7:00 PM on Thursday evenings. The half-hour program features survivors of grief that offer inspiration each month. Our website also offers resources for support groups, professional guidance, and emotional strength! We encourage you to sign-up to receive our “Daily Affirmation” email service. This service will send you an email every day that will offer supportive messages and positive thoughts that will keep us moving forward…one day at a time!

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